
Mammae’s Mission in Action
It is an established fact that there is an association between unbalanced nutrition and emerging gut dysbiosis, including gut barrier impairment and disease. There is an urgent need for food solutions, aimed at gut health maintenance and restoration, that have demonstrated safety with minimal side effects. When individual nutrition is balanced, prebiotic dietary fibers are naturally consumed in food, beverages, cereals, and baked goods. Otherwise, they can be combined or generated in-situ to obtain reinforced foods that contain dietary fibers, leading to new infant formulas, animal feed, or pharmaceuticals.

Mammae’s technology permits access to well-defined GOS dietary fibers, compositions, and human milk oligosaccharides in cost-effective quantities. Therefore, solving a major obstacle for affordable consumer access to these compounds, with nutritional and biomedical potential.

GOS-Prebiotic Dietary Fiber

GOS-prebiotic dietary fiber improves lactose digestion and tolerance in lactose-intolerant individuals. When prebiotic dietary fibers are present in food, they feed selectively diverse types of microbes already living in our gut. However, in absence of the proper microbes, probiotics (good microbes) are prebiotics and should be consumed together. Thus, GOS consumption establishes microbial friendship relationships by supporting and maintaining well-fed good microbes.

Incorporating the Fiber

Mammae fiber is a beta-glucosidase enzyme that converts lactose, the sugar inherently contained in milk, into GOS-prebiotic dietary fiber. Mammae fiber synthesizes GOS without lactose concentration steps. Up to 2.2% of GOS, formed from 4% fluid milk containing lactose, allows products to claim 55% sugar reduction in non-fermented foods. Up to 3% GOS, formed from 4% fluid milk containing lactose during simultaneous fermentation, allows products to claim 90% sugar reduction.