Our disruptive technology

transforms milk into a superfood
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About Mammae

A startup company spin-off from NC State University that harnesses the enzymatic power of microorganisms


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Our Technology

Mammae's technology minimizes lactose and overall sugar content in dairy products


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Applied Innovation

Mammae brings affordable access to compounds with nutritional & biomedical potential


Your source of prebiotic dietary fibers and bifidogenic factors.

The stability, efficiency, and versatility of our novel enzymes and enzyme variants minimize lactose and overall sugar content, transforming it into prebiotic dietary fibers, including GOS and other bifidogenic factors in fermented dairy products, non-fermented dairy products, and non-dairy products.

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    Latest News & Publications

    • This book examines the role of fermented foods on human gut health and offers a unique contribution to this rapidly growing area of study. Fermented foods have been consumed by humans for millennia.  This method of food preservation provided early humans with beneficial bacteria that......

    • Prebiotic galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) have an extensively demonstrated beneficial impact on intestinal health. In this study, we determined the impact of GOS diets on hallmarks of gut aging: microbiome dysbiosis, inflammation, and intestinal barrier defects (“leaky gut”). We also evaluated if short-term GOS feeding influenced how......

    • Complex dietary carbohydrate structures including β(1–4) galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) are resistant to digestion in the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract and arrive intact to the colon where they benefit the host by selectively stimulating microbial growth. Studies have reported the beneficial impact of GOS (alone or in......